原文: http://www.codeceo.com/article/linux-terminal-guide.html 完全利用Linux终端处理日常工作并非易事,但其可行性却是不容质疑的。 实现日常功能的各类最佳Linux Shell应用 有没有考虑到利用Linux终端搞定日常生活中的种种需求?告别现代GUI软件,一切以文本形式呈现。其实这并非不可能,皆历史悠久的命令行界面同样拥有大量实用功能可供选择。 利用Linux终端发送邮件 要在终端中发送邮件,我们首先要选择对应工具。很多人推荐mutt与notmuch,二者确实非常强大,但我更偏爱alpine。它不仅效果良好,而且界面设计与Thunderbird等GUI邮件软件非常相似。 利用Linux终端进行网络浏览…
Shell/Terminal: 命令行词典, 命令行字典, 命令行英汉字典, translate shell, 命令行查词工具, 终端字典
1. 无道词典

- 基础词典(20w英汉查询 + 10w汉英查询 + 网络词库)
- 词组查询功能(例如直接输入
wd in order to
) - 自动补全功能(按Tab自动补全单词,包含1w个最热的词)
- 生词本(自动把历史记录存为生词本,
wd -h
1. 安装环境: 需要python3和bs4, lxml(在线搜索用)
sudo apt-get install python3 sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo pip3 install bs4 sudo pip3 install lxml
sudo zypper install python3-pip sudo pip3 install bs4 sudo pip3 install lxml
sudo yum install python34 sudo yum install python34-pip sudo pip3 install bs4 sudo pip3 install lxml
2. 运行
git clone https://github.com/chestnutheng/wudao-dict cd ./wudao-dict/wudao-dict sudo bash setup.sh #或者sudo ./setup.sh
看到出现Setup Finished!表明安装成功。如果发生由于移动安装文件不能使用的情况,只需再次运行该脚本即可。
无法clone的,可以下载 https://github.com/ChestnutHeng/Wudao-dict/archive/master.zip ,然后解压安装使用。
Note: 注意python的版本,只支持python3
运行wd -h
$ wd -h Usage: wd [OPTION]... [WORD] Youdao is wudao, a powerful dict. -k, --kill kill the server process (退出服务进程) -h, --help display this help and exit (查看帮助) -s, --short-desc do not show sentence (只看释义) -n, --not-save query and save to notebook (不存入生词本) 生词本文件: ... some path .../notebook.txt 查询次数: ... some path .../usr_word.json
查词时可以直接使用wd 词语
查汉英词典,或wd word
- ./wd_monofile 是本词典的在线查询的单文件版本, 可以复制到
下直接使用.(需要安装bs4) - 如果您不想看到例句, 请在
后面加上-s参数. - 有的用户反馈字体颜色看不清的问题, 你可以找到./wudao-dict/wudao-dict/src/CommandDraw.py, 可以看到释义,读音等采用的颜色, 直接修改即可.
- 查询词组直接键入类似
wd take off
2. ICI金山词霸
一款基于python的命令行查词工具, 使用金山词霸api。
pip install ici
$ ici what [wɒt] [wɑ:t] pron. (用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么,多少;…的事物; adj. …的(事物或人); adv. (用于感叹句中); int. (用以表示不相信或惊奇);(用以表示未听清楚对方说的话); ex. Compare the use of which and what as determiners and pronouns in questions. 试比较which和what用作限定词和代词时,在疑问句中的用法。 ex. We categorize functionally idiomsinto three types: ideational (e.g. Indian summer), interpersonal (e.g. What's up?) 我们将习语搭配按其功能分为三类:概念搭配(如Indiansummer),人际搭配(如What’s up?) ex. The song is called What's Yr [your] Take on Cassavetes. 歌名就是“What'syr[your]TakeonCassavetes”。 ex. The questions such as"why""what""how"have been answered. 现有的研究基本上回答了有关语文课程资源建设的“为什么(why)”、“是什么(what)”及“怎么办(how)”的系列问题。 ex. Who, what, that, etc. are relatives. Who, what, that等是关系代词。

3. Translate Shell 谷歌翻译
Translate Shell (formerly Google Translate CLI) is a command-line translator powered by Google Translate (default), Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, DeepL Translator and Apertium. It gives you easy access to one of these translation engines in your terminal:
$ trans 'Saluton, Mondo!' Saluton, Mondo! Hello, World! Translations of Saluton, Mondo! [ Esperanto -> English ] Saluton , Hello, Mondo ! World!
By default, translations with detailed explanations are shown. You can also translate the text briefly: (only the most relevant translation will be shown)
$ trans -brief 'Saluton, Mondo!' Hello, World!
Translate Shell can also be used like an interactive shell; input the text to be translated line by line:
$ trans -shell -brief > Rien ne réussit comme le succès. Nothing succeeds like success. > Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker. What does not kill me makes me stronger. > Юмор есть остроумие глубокого чувства. Humor has a deep sense of wit. > 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。 Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous. > 幸福になるためには、人から愛されるのが一番の近道。 In order to be happy, the best way is to be loved by people.
安装 Installation
选项1: 直接下载 Option #1. Direct Download
Download the self-contained executable and place it into your path. It’s everything you need.
$ wget git.io/trans $ chmod +x ./trans
There is a GPG signature.
选项2 Option #2. From A Package Manager
Antigen (Recommended for Zsh users)
UsingAdd the following line to your .zshrc
antigen bundle soimort/translate-shell
Using your favorite package manager
See wiki: Distros on how to install from a specific package manager on your distro.
Option #3. From Git (Recommended for seasoned hackers)
$ git clone https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell $ cd translate-shell/ $ make $ [sudo] make install
In case you have only zsh but not bash in your system, build with:
$ make TARGET=zsh
The default PREFIX
of installation is /usr/local
. To install the program to somewhere else (e.g. /usr
, ~/.local
), use:
$ [sudo] make PREFIX=/usr install
本文:Shell/Terminal: 命令行词典, 命令行字典, 命令行英汉字典, translate shell, 命令行查词工具, 终端字典