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PHP: 遍历出两个时间之间的日期 Date function to display all dates between two dates
There is the DatePeriod
$begin = new DateTime('2013-02-01'); $end = new DateTime('2013-02-13'); $daterange = new DatePeriod($begin, new DateInterval('P1D'), $end); foreach($daterange as $date){ echo $date->format("Y-m-d") . "<br>"; }
(P1D stands for period of one day, see DateInterval
for further documentation)
$period = new DatePeriod( new DateTime('2010-10-01'), new DateInterval('P1D'), new DateTime('2010-10-05') );
function date_range_to_array($start='', $end='', $include_last_day = TRUE, $repeat='day', $format='m/d/Y') { $days = array(); if($start AND $end) { $end = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $end); if($include_last_day) $end = $end->modify('+1 day'); $daterange = new DatePeriod( DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $start), new DateInterval(($repeat=='week'?'P1W':($repeat=='month'?'P1M':'P1D'))), $end); foreach($daterange as $day) $days[] = $day->format($format); } return $days; }
实例化对象前面加 \ 表示的是,在命名空间中使用原生的类,如果没有使用命名空间的话,可以把前面的 \ 给删除掉
1. 输出当前时间
$datetime = new \DateTime; print_r($datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
2. 输出给定的时间
$datetime = new \DateTime('2016-06-13'); print_r($datetime);
3. 根据给定的时间格式化为自己想要的时间
$datetime = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20160618'); print_r($datetime->format('Y-m-d'));
4. 输出Unix时间戳格式(方法1如果是1990年以前的会返回负数,而方法2则会返回false)
$datetime = new \DateTime();
echo $datetime->format('U');exit;
$datetime = new \DateTime();
echo $datetime->getTimestamp();exit;
5. 根据给定的时间戳格式化为给定的时间
$datetime = new \DateTime(); $datetime->setTimestamp(1465783744); echo $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
6. 两个日期时间比对,年与年比对,月与月比对……
$datetime1 = new \DateTime('2016-01-01 10:11:18'); $datetime2 = new \DateTime('2017-05-11 22:21:21'); $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2); print_r($interval->format('%Y'));//%表示使用格式化,R表示是大于这个日期(+),还是小于这个日期(-),a表示大于或小于多少天,时分秒正常使用y,m,d,h,i,s
7. 创建长度为几天前的时间
DateInterval构造函数的参数是一个表示时间间隔约定的字符串,这个时间间隔约定以字母P开头,后面跟着一个整数,最后是一个周期标识符,限定前面的整数。有效周期标识符如下: Y(年) M(月) D(日) W(周) H(时) M(分) S(秒) 间隔约定中既可以有时间也可以有日期,如果有时间需要在日期和时间之间加上字母T,例如,间隔约定P2D表示间隔两天,间隔约定P2DT5H2M表示间隔两天五小时两分钟。
$datetime = new \DateTime(); $interval = new \DateInterval('P2DT5H'); //或者使用createFromDateString方法 //$interval = \DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 month'); //修改DateTime实例 $datetime->add($interval); echo $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
8. 创建几天前的时间
$datetime = new \DateTime(); $interval = new \DateInterval('P2DT5H'); $datetime->sub($interval); echo $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //ps:有个modify方法,这个方法是减去30,并不是像前推1天,输出的还是12月 $datetime = new \DateTime('2014/12/31'); $datetime->modify( '-1 month' ); print_r($datetime);exit;
9. 重置当前的DateTime对象的时间不同的日期,传递年,月,日
$datetime = new \DateTime(); $datetime->setDate(2015, 2, 28); echo $datetime->format('Y-m-d');exit;
10. 重置当前的DateTime对象的时间不同的时间,传递时,分,秒(可选参数)
$datetime = new \DateTime(); $datetime->setTime(20, 20, 24); echo $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');exit;
11. 格式化时间前更改时间的时区
$timezone = new \DateTimeZone('Asia/Calcutta'); $datetime = new \DateTime(); $datetime->setTimezone($timezone); print_r($datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));exit;
12. 返回时区
$date = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Asia/Shanghai')); $tz = $date->getTimezone(); echo $tz->getName();
13. 计算两个时区的偏移值
$dateTimeZoneTaipei = new \DateTimeZone("Asia/Taipei"); $dateTimeZoneJapan = new \DateTimeZone("Asia/Tokyo"); $dateTimeTaipei = new \DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneTaipei); $dateTimeJapan = new \DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneJapan); $timeOffset = $dateTimeZoneJapan->getOffset($dateTimeTaipei); print_r($timeOffset);exit;
14. 返回时间间隔,多长时间
$interval = new \DateInterval('P2Y4DT6H8M'); echo $interval->format('%d days');
15. 迭代输出距离当前日期的前几天日期。
DatePeriod类的构造方法接受三个参数而且都必须提供 一个DateTime实例,表示迭代开始的日期和时间 一个DateInterval实例,表示下一个日期和时间的间隔 一个整数,表示迭代的总次数 第四个参数是可选的,用于显式指定周期的结束日期和时间,如果迭代时想要排除开始日期和时间,可以把构造方法的最后一个参数设为DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE常量:
$datetime = new \DateTime(); $interval = \DateInterval::createFromDateString('-1 day'); $period = new \DatePeriod($datetime, $interval, 3); foreach ($period as $date) { echo $date->format('Y-m-d'), PHP_EOL; }
- Y(年)
- M(月)
- D
- W
- H
- M(分)
- S
间隔的周期中M即表示月,又表示分。所以怎么区分呢?前3个表示日期,后面的表示时间,这就需要用字母T来分隔。可以使用T2M表示间隔两秒。$dateStart = new \DateTime(); $dateInterval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('-1 day'); $datePeriod = new DatePeriod($dateStart, $dateInterval, 3); foreach ($datePeriod as $date) { echo $date->format('Y-m-d'), PHP_EOL; }
<?php $timezone = new DateTimeZone('Asia/Shanghai'); $datetime = new DateTime('2017-07-14', $timezone); //使用setTimeZone()方法修改DateTime实例的时区 $dateTIme->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Asia/Hongkong'));
最后一个例子来演示 DatePeriod 类。它用来对循环的事件进行迭代。向它传入开始时间、结束时间和间隔区间,会得到这其中所有的事件。
<?php // output all thursdays between $start and $end $periodInterval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('first thursday'); $periodIterator = new DatePeriod($start, $periodInterval, $end, DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); foreach ($periodIterator as $date) { // output each date in the period echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . ' '; }
format character |
Description | Example parsable values |
Day | — | — |
d and j | Day of the month, 2 digits with or without leading zeros | 01 to 31 or 1 to 31 |
D and l | A textual representation of a day | Mon through Sun or Sunday through Saturday |
S | English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters. It’s ignored while processing. | st, nd, rd or th. |
z | The day of the year (starting from 0) | 0 through 365 |
Month | — | — |
F and M | A textual representation of a month, such as January or Sept | January through December or Jan through Dec |
m and n | Numeric representation of a month, with or without leading zeros | 01 through 12 or 1 through 12 |
Year | — | — |
Y | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits | Examples: 1999 or 2003 |
y | A two digit representation of a year | Examples: 99 or 03 |
Time | — | — |
a and A | Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | am or pm |
g and h | 12-hour format of an hour with or without leading zero | 1 through 12 or 01 through 12 |
G and H | 24-hour format of an hour with or without leading zeros | 0 through 23 or 00 through 23 |
i | Minutes with leading zeros | 00 to 59 |
s | Seconds, with leading zeros | 00 through 59 |
u | Microseconds (up to six digits) | Example: 45, 654321 |
Timezone | — | — |
e, O, P and T | Timezone identifier, or difference to UTC in hours, or difference to UTC with colon between hours and minutes, or timezone abbreviation | Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores or+0200 or +02:00 or EST, MDT |
Full Date/Time | — | — |
U | Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) | Example: 1292177455 |
Whitespace and Separators | — | — |
(space) | One space or one tab | Example: |
# | One of the following separation symbol: ;, :, /, .,,, –, ( or ) | Example: / |
;, :, /, ., ,, –, (or ) | The specified character. | Example: – |
? | A random byte | Example: ^ (Be aware that for UTF-8 characracters you might need more than one ?. In this case, using * is probably what you want instead) |
* | Random bytes until the next separator or digit | Example: * in Y-*-d with the string 2009-aWord-08 will match aWord |
! | Resets all fields (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction and timzone information) to the Unix Epoch | Without !, all fields will be set to the current date and time. |
| | Resets all fields (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction and timzone information) to the Unix Epoch if they have not been parsed yet | Y-m-d| will set the year, month and day to the information found in the string to parse, and sets the hour, minute and second to 0. |
+ | If this format specifier is present, trailing data in the string will not cause an error, but a warning instead | Use DateTime::getLastErrors() to find out whether trailing data was present. |
本文:PHP: 遍历出两个时间之间的日期 Date function to display all dates between two dates