jQuery:自定义右键菜单 contextMenu





$.contextMenu is a management facility for – you guessed it – context menus. It was designed for an application where there are hundreds of elements that may show a context menu – so intialization speed and memory usage are kept fairly small. It also allows to register context menus without providing actual markup, as $.contextMenu generates DOMElements as needed.


jQuery:自定义右键菜单 contextMenu
jQuery:自定义右键菜单 contextMenu


  • jQuery >=1.8.2
  • jQuery UI position (optional but recommended)


register contextMenu from javascript:

    // define which elements trigger this menu
    selector: ".with-cool-menu",
    // define the elements of the menu
    items: {
        foo: {name: "Foo", callback: function(key, opt){ alert("Foo!"); }},
        bar: {name: "Bar", callback: function(key, opt){ alert("Bar!") }}
    // there's more, have a look at the demos and docs...

have a look at the demos.

HTML5 Compatibility



<span class="context-menu-one btn btn-neutral">right click me</span>
    $(function() {
            selector: '.context-menu-one', 
            callback: function(key, options) {
                var m = "clicked: " + key;
                window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m); 
            items: {
                "edit": {name: "Edit", icon: "edit"},
                "cut": {name: "Cut", icon: "cut"},
               copy: {name: "Copy", icon: "copy"},
                "paste": {name: "Paste", icon: "paste"},
                "delete": {name: "Delete", icon: "delete"},
                "sep1": "---------",
                "quit": {name: "Quit", icon: function(){
                    return 'context-menu-icon context-menu-icon-quit';

        $('.context-menu-one').on('click', function(e){
            console.log('clicked', this);

实例2: HTML5 Polyfill

<span class="context-menu-one btn btn-neutral" contextmenu="html5polyfill">right click me</span>
<menu id="html5polyfill" type="context" style="display:none">  
    <command label="rotate" onclick="alert('rotate')" icon="images/cut.png">
    <command label="resize" onclick="alert('resize')" icon="images/door.png">
    <menu label="share">
        <command label="twitter" onclick="alert('twitter')" icon="images/page_white_copy.png">
        <command label="facebook" onclick="alert('facebook')" icon="images/page_white_edit.png">
        <label>foo bar<input type="text" name="foo"></label>


实例3: 表单

<span class="context-menu-one btn btn-neutral">right click me</span>
        selector: '.context-menu-one', 
        items: {
            // <input type="text">
            name: {
                name: "Text", 
                type: 'text', 
                value: "Hello World", 
                events: {
                    keyup: function(e) {
                        // add some fancy key handling here?
                        window.console && console.log('key: '+ e.keyCode); 
            sep1: "---------",
            // <input type="checkbox">
            yesno: {
                name: "Boolean", 
                type: 'checkbox', 
                selected: true
            sep2: "---------",
            // <input type="radio">
            radio1: {
                name: "Radio1", 
                type: 'radio', 
                radio: 'radio', 
                value: '1'
            radio2: {
                name: "Radio2", 
                type: 'radio', 
                radio: 'radio', 
                value: '2', 
                selected: true
            radio3: {
                name: "Radio3", 
                type: 'radio', 
                radio: 'radio', 
                value: '3'
            radio4: {
                name: "Radio3", 
                type: 'radio', 
                radio: 'radio', 
                value: '4', 
                disabled: true
            sep3: "---------",
            // <select>
            select: {
                name: "Select", 
                type: 'select', 
                options: {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}, 
                selected: 2
            // <textarea>
            area1: {
                name: "Textarea with height", 
                type: 'textarea', 
                value: "Hello World", 
                height: 40
            area2: {
                name: "Textarea", 
                type: 'textarea', 
                value: "Hello World"
            sep4: "---------",
            key: {
                name: "Something Clickable", 
                callback: $.noop
        events: {
            show: function(opt) {
                // this is the trigger element
                var $this = this;
                // import states from data store 
                $.contextMenu.setInputValues(opt, $this.data());
                // this basically fills the input commands from an object
                // like {name: "foo", yesno: true, radio: "3", &hellip;}
            hide: function(opt) {
                // this is the trigger element
                var $this = this;
                // export states to data store
                $.contextMenu.getInputValues(opt, $this.data());
                // this basically dumps the input commands' values to an object
                // like {name: "foo", yesno: true, radio: "3", &hellip;}

本文:jQuery:自定义右键菜单 contextMenu


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