让MySQL搜索区分大小写或排序时分大小写方法如下: 1.在SQL中强制 SELECT `field` FROM `table` WHERE BINARY…
March 11, 2016
PHP类: SEO必备的伪原创工具 (文章重写)
方法一: 在线工具
这个就不多说了,直接谷歌一下就可以,实在不行就 点击这里,我帮你搜!
方法二: PHP 类
PHP Spintax Class
<?PHP /** * Spintax - A helper class to process Spintax strings. * @name Spintax * @author Jason Davis - http://www.codedevelopr.com/ */ class Spintax { public function process($text) { return preg_replace_callback( '/\{(((?>[^\{\}]+)|(?R))*)\}/x', array($this, 'replace'), $text ); } public function replace($text) { $text = $this->process($text[1]); $parts = explode('|', $text); return $parts[array_rand($parts)]; } } ?>
PHP Spintax Example Usage
<?PHP $spintax = new Spintax(); $string = '{Hello|Howdy|Hola} to you, {Mr.|Mrs.|Ms.} {Smith|Williams|Davis}!'; echo $spintax->process($string); ?>
Spintax string: {Hello|Howdy|Hola}
to you, {Mr.|Mrs.|Ms.}
Spintax Output: Howdy
to you, Mrs.
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <?php /** * Ikeepstudying : PHP伪原创类 * Author: ikeepstudying * Create at: 2016-03-11 10:49 */ class Ikeepstudying { private $replaced = array(); public $synonyms = array(); //construct function __construct() { $this->synonyms = require(dirname(__FILE__).'/dict-en.php'); } //replace function replace($text) { foreach($this->synonyms as $key => $val) { if(preg_match("/".$key."/", $text) && !in_array($key, $this->replaced)) { $text = str_replace($key, (is_array($val)?$val[array_rand($val)]:$val), $text); array_push($this->replaced, $val); } } return $text; } } $spinner = new Ikeepstudying(); $text = ' WordPress has a mechanism for saving, updating, and retrieving individual, named pieces of data (options) in the WordPress database. '; echo '<h2>Dict</h2><pre>'; print_r($spinner->synonyms); echo '</pre>'; echo '<h2>Orginal</h2> WordPress has a mechanism for saving, updating, and retrieving individual, named pieces of data (options) in the WordPress database.'; echo '<h2>New Content (after every refresh, it may be differnt words)</h2>'.$spinner->replace($text);
<?php return array ( 'mechanism' => array("mechanistic","medal","medallion","meddle","meddler","meddling","media"), 'saving' => array("saving clause",'savings and loan association','savoir-faire','savorless'), 'individual' => array("individualism", "individualist", "individualistic",'individuality','individualize','individually','indivisible'), );
替换中文的道理是一样的! 效果看这里:http://sources.ikeepstudying.com/spinner/
总结: 有词库才是硬道理!
本文:PHP类: SEO必备的伪原创工具,文章重写改写工具整理