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Magento: 代替flash上传 How to disable Flash uploader in Magento (product images and WYSIWYG)
1. 替换产品页flash上传按钮 – 使用 Dull_Uploader
How to disable Flash uploader in Magento 1.4.x – 1.9.x
So what to do if one day you will discover that you simply cannot upload any images in your Magento administration panel due to Flash problem?
Don’t panic, just follow these simple steps:
1. Find the Dull_Uploader (No Flash Image Uploader) module.
Unfortunately for some reason this module is not available in Magento Connect, but you can download it using these direct links:
- Github, for source code: https://github.com/openstream/No-Flash-Image-Uploader
- Magento Connect archive, for TGZ archive: http://ext.topmage.com/extensions/99/32/Dull_Uploader/
The easiest way is to download TGZ archive.
2. Install this extension to your Magento connect manager.
– Go to System -> Magento connect -> Magento connect manager.
– Click “Browse” button in the “Direct package file upload” section and install the module.
During installation (it depends on Magento version you use), the system can show an error related with module version format. In order to fix it, try to open the TGZ archive, and modify the “package.xml” file (in the root of the archive) and replace this code:
Install the module once again.
After installation, your Magento images uploader will be replaced with simple web based method instead of Flash one. I hope this quick solution will help you to get rid of Flash related headache easily.
来源: http://astrio.net/blog/disable-flash-uploader-in-magento/
虽然是旧版本, 而且项目已经停止更新, 但是经本人测试, 1.9.x 还是可以继续使用!
2. 替换编辑器WYSIWYG上传按钮
WYSIWYG ( /ˈwɪziwɪɡ/ wiz-ee-wig) is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get. The term is used in computing to describe a system in which content (text and graphics) displayed onscreen during editing appears in a form closely corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product, which might be a printed document, web page, or slide presentation.
Why should i use this Redactor WYSIWYG Editor for Magento?
- Beautiful user interface
- TinyMCE is really “heavy” and slow and generated many html errors
- Redactor is about 8 times faster than TinyMCE
- You can upload images via Drag & Drop
- Retina ready & iOS support
- Switch between html and plain mode
- Enable / Disable editor for products
- Enabled / Disable editor for cms pages
- Enable / Disable editor for static blocks
- Super clean on past
- copy all files to your magento installation
- Clear the cache in Admin -> System -> Cache Management
- Go to Admin -> System -> Configuration -> MGT-COMMERCE.COM -> Amazing WYSIWYG Editor -> Settings -> Active -> Yes
- Have fun and give Feedback
Community Edition: 1.5.x – 1.9.x
项目地址: https://github.com/mgtcommerce/Mgt_AmazingWysiwyg
个人发现的问题: div经常被过滤掉, 解决方案如下:
line 123
convertDivs: true,
convertDivs: false,
这样, 你无论怎么样定义div都没有问题了!
本文: Magento: 代替flash上传 How to disable Flash uploader in Magento (product images and WYSIWYG)