How to Install Wine 1.8 Stable via New PPA in Ubuntu 16.04
The Wine Team finally announced the new stable Wine 1.8 release. The new Wine PPA maintained by has built the packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and their derivatives.
This release represents 17 months of development effort and around 13,000 individual changes. The main highlights are the implementation of DirectWrite and Direct2D, and the new Pulse Audio driver.
It also contains a lot of improvements across the board, as well as support for many new applications and games. See the release notes for a summary of the major changes.
I must apologize that the new PPA contains the latest dev release (so far it’s wine 1.9.0) packaged by official wine website WineHQ. Please read the bottom link about this built.To get Wine 1.8 stable release, use the Ubuntu Wine Team PPA managed by Scott Ritchie and Maarten Lankhorst.
Select use only one of these PPAs, you may remove a PPA via Software & Updates -> Other Software tab or by running command:
Install Wine 1.8 Stable from Ubuntu Wine Team PPA:
Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, paste below commands and run one by one.
1. Add the PPA via command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
Type in your password when it asks, no visual feedback so type in mind and hit Enter to continue.