Day: December 28, 2015

JQuery: 使用Ajax赋值给全局变量失败异常的解决方法,ajaxSetup, jquery ajax global

我们在用JQuery的Ajax从后台提取数据后想把它赋值给全局变量,但是却怎么都赋不进,为什么呢? 原因其实很简单,我们用的Ajax是异步操作,也就是说在你赋值的时候数据还没提取出来,你当然赋不进去,所以只要改成同步操作就行~ 方法1:先设置同步在进行Ajax操作 //在全局或某个需要的函数内设置Ajax异步为false,也就是同步 $.ajaxSetup({ async :false}); //然后再进行你的Ajax操作 $.post(地址,参数,function(data, status){if(status =="success"){//赋值给全局变量}else{ alert("wrong");}}); 方法2… Read More

Bootstrap 3: 监听弹出窗口关闭/打开事件 How to handle the modal closing event in Twitter Bootstrap?

Updated for Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 3 documentation refers two events you can use This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called. This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete). And provides an example on how to use them: $('…