jQuery: 遍历json字符串, 遍历object数组,报错:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '156', Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token k in JSON at position 2, loop over JSON string – $.each example - Just Code
遍历一个json字符串,或者object数组的方法: var json = [ {"id":"1","tagName":"apple"}, {"id":"2","tagName":"orange"}, {"id":"3","tagName":"banana"}, {"id":"4","tagName":"watermelon"}, {"id":"5","tagName":"pineapple"} ]; $.each(json, function(idx, obj) { alert(obj.tagName); }); Above code snippet is working fine, prompts the “apple”, “orange” … as expected. 问题来了 Problem: JSON string 现在定义一个json字符串的话,我们再试试: var json = '[{"id":"1","tagName":"apple"},{"id":"2","tagName":"orange"}, {"id":"3","tagName":"banana"},{"id":"4","tagName":"watermelon"}, {"id":"5","tagName":"pineapple"}]'; $.each(json, function(idx, obj) { alert(obj.tagName); }); 在console调试面板上,直接报错: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot […]