Day: July 6, 2015

jquery:颜色拾取器 Tiny Colorpicker

What is it? Tiny Colorpicker is a crossbrowser jquery plugin that creates a color picker (form) input. Its a easy way to add color pickers to your forms or user interface. Features IOS and Android support. AMD, Node, requirejs and commonjs support. Easy customizable Can be used inside forms or outside Lightweight Source is on GitHub 用法: $(document).ready(… Read More

jquery:圆形slider show – Tiny Circleslider – A lightweight cross browser circular carousel

What is it? Tinycircleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide webdevelopers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any wepage. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. Features IOS and Android support. AMD, Node, requirejs and commonjs support. Supports sli… Read More

jquery: 手机版时间拾取器 date time picker for mobile

Pickers There are three picker files: picker.js The core file (required before any other picker) The date picker picker.time.js The time picker To support old browsers, namely IE8, also include the legacy.js file. Themes All themes are generated using LESS and compiled from the lib/themes-source folder into the lib/themes folder. Ther… Read More

Mysql: LBS实现查找附近的人 (两经纬度之间的距离)

1. 利用GeoHash封装成内置数据库函数的简易方案; A:Mysql 内置函数方案,适合于已有业务,新增加LBS功能,增加经纬度字段方可,避免数据迁移 B:Mongodb 内置函数方案,适合中小型应用,快速实现LBS功能,性能优于A(推荐) 方案A: (MySQL Spatial) 1、先简历一张表:(MySQL 5.0 以上 仅支持 MyISAM 引擎) CREATE TABLE address ( address CHAR(80) NOT NULL, address_loc POINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(address) ); 空间索引: ALTER TABLE address ADD SPATIAL INDEX(address_… Read More